Monday, January 30, 2006

DIY hatred 4

Well we've almost finished Eben's bedroom and despite the paint being a slightly different hue from what we expected, we're going with it. Only got carpets and curtains to go in now and then we're done.

Except we're not, because we've now got to do the other bloody room. The house is a tip because we haven't got the time to do anything else but decorate.



Gavin Corder said...

Ah soft furnishings. Women's work!

Leave the other room!

Kayfer Kettle said...

So no chance of hand with my prep then Six?

I got a whole flat's worth of decorating hell to face!

K x

Name Witheld said...


You my sympathy 1000% (and that's not a typo!)

I've been married for getting on for 23 years and it's only recently that my wife has realised that I'm not a complete psycho because I lose my rag nearly every time I do DIY. I finally managed to persuade her that loads of blokes throw things about and swear a lot during decorating and putting dowm laminate flooring etc!

Still, it's cheaper than getting someone else to do it!!