Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What else is six years late?

Well a quick search reveals:

Bath Spa opening. What an embarrassment. If I lived in the West Country I'd be livid.

A literary correction. I've assured him he really has no need to apologise.

The Walt Disney Concert Hall. What is it with these 'arts' projects.

The Death of compassionate conservatism in the states. Maybe in the states, but the Chameleon's just cottoned on. Who said the Conservatives were lacking ideas.

The Irish National Crime Survey. Weeeeeell, no one believes those surveys anyway do they. There's bound to be another one that contradicts it.

Oh, and me.


Anonymous said...

According to today's news, sorting out the immigration problem is going to be 7 years late.

Stephen Mitchelmore said...

Correction needed here though. There is no immigration problem, except for racists that is.

Crispin Heath said...

I beg to differ Steve, there is an immigration problem. Problem is it's been hijacked by those with an anti-immigrant agenda. There is a need to adjust the system in order that we know who is coming and who is going.

Personally I'm all for an amnesty for all those that are registered and paying tax but entered illegally, anyone who is illegal and claiming benefit or creates any crime should be deported.

No one's saying we don't need immigration, it's essential to the running of the economy. The NHS would grind to halt without it, but we do need to know who's in the country.

Anonymous said...

You put it so much better than me, Six. This is like the 5 boards, people (steve)make assumptions which are quite wrong.

Span Ows said...

Great idea for a post Six! Where did you get it? :-)

Re Steve, I hope he has read your answer. His post was very naive.

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.