Monday, November 21, 2005

Never trust old people

I was reminded of a lovely family story over the weekend. My mother-in-law has a friend who told it.

Her family were all round for Sunday dinner a few years back and she was cooking a ham. As she transferred the meat to the roasting tin, she cut the end of it off and threw it in the bin.

Once it was in the oven, her daughter asked 'Mum why do you always cut the end off the ham?'. To which she replied 'Errrr, I don't know, Mum always used to'. Her mother was in the next room so she and her daughter asked her mother, but her mother had no idea either 'However' she remarked 'my mother used to do it'.

Now great grandma was dead however, the family line lived on in the form of her younger sister, my mother-in-law's friend's great aunt. So when my mother-in law's friend's, mother saw her aunt she asked 'You know Mum used to cut the end off the ham when she cooked it. Do you know why she did it?'. 'Yes dear' replied the elderly relative 'it would never fit in the pan'

So there you go. The moral is:

Never trust your elders it could result in years of wasted ham.


Gavin Corder said...

LOL! That story is a gem!

Span Ows said...

Excellent...I was going to make a smart comment like "iot lets the fat drain" or it helps cook the inside better" (both perfectly reasonable solutions!!!...but mother-in-law's friend's great aunt's (!!!!!) answer is a cracker...crackling even!

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