Friday, November 04, 2005


I think the terrible twos are upon us. All previous strategies are useless. My lovely little boy has turned in to a little git. No amount of cajoling, bargaining, deal making, 1,2,3ing works anymore. We have to now just leave him to scream it out on the floor until he decides to eat, put clothes on, come out to the car, whatever. I very nearly resorted to chocolate last night, but managed to resist. I can understand why people give in though.

Of course I've got it easy, I can escape. Nicky on the other hand said she could have merrily thrown him at a wall 2 or 3 times the other day. She didn't, but boy this is challenging - to say the very least.

I can't wait for March when no.2 arrives.


Span Ows said...

Glad you appreciate that the Mr.s has the worst of it Six, you may also find that the fact that she's expecting has no small part to play in the behaviour of your first...they sense it despite him being 'at that age' when as you say the halo slips and horns appear!!!!

Good luck to you both, you have to just keep patient and talk to them softly and slowly as if nothing is wrong and nothing will change your seemed to work for me...(maybe the big nail-headed stick I carried helped....:-)

Gavin Corder said...

You wait til he gets the teenage "Kevins". You'll look back fondly on the terrible twos as a golden era...

Anonymous said...

All normal. Never give in to the little buggers! We get biting scratching and kicking and it is usually down to a change in routine. When the new baby comes you'll think you are getting along tikkety boo and then one day your eldest little darling will twig that they have competition. At which point they become possessed by satan and all his little wizards. Bless em!
