Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Listen to John Grant

I went to the Iris Nation seminar round 'Under the INfluence' a very thought provoking day in conjuncation with Contagious Magzine that explored some of the hot topics and trend within the development of the marketing and advertising industry. Anyway if you look in my sidebar you can view John Grant's seminar (I'm sure he wouldn't call it that). If you have a spare hour to hear a very interesting perspective on marketing, consumerism, ethics and responsibility then watch.

You can read more of John's thoughts here on the greenormal blog.

and if you really are interested in hearing more cutting edge marketing stuff check out this for around 17 hours of real thought leadership (well if you're in the industry or have a passing interest - if you're not you'll probably think it's very fluffy - having said that check out Paul Kemp Robertson the editor of contagious magazine he really knows what's happening and about to happen)

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